Source code for yfpy.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""YFPY module for managing complex JSON data structures.

    logger (Logger): Module level logger for usage and debugging.

__author__ = "Wren J. R. (uberfastman)"
__email__ = ""

import json
import re
from collections import ChainMap, OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, IO, List, Type, Union

import stringcase

from yfpy.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def complex_json_handler(obj: Any) -> Any: """Custom handler to allow custom YFPY objects to be serialized into JSON. Args: obj (Any): Unserializable Python object to be serialized into JSON. Returns: Any: Serializable version of the Python object. """ if hasattr(obj, "serialized"): return obj.serialized() else: try: return str(obj, "utf-8") except TypeError: raise TypeError('Object of type %s with value of %s is not JSON serializable' % (type(obj), repr(obj)))
[docs]def jsonify_data(data: object) -> str: """Function to serialize a YahooFantasyObject to a JSON string. Args: data (object): YahooFantasyObject to be serialized to a JSON string. Returns: str: JSON string serialized from YahooFantasyObject. """ return json.dumps(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False, default=complex_json_handler)
[docs]def jsonify_data_to_file(data: object, data_file: IO[str]) -> None: """Function to serialize a YahooFantasyObject to JSON and output it to a file. Args: data (object): YahooFantasyObject to be serialized to JSON and output to a file. data_file (IO[str]) """ json.dump(data, data_file, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False, default=complex_json_handler)
[docs]def prettify_data(data: object) -> str: """Function to return pretty formatted JSON strings for easily readable output from objects. Args: data (object): Data object to be printed as an easily readable JSON string. Returns: str: JSON string that has been formatted with indents (two spaces). """ return f"\n{jsonify_data(data)}\n"
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]def unpack_data(json_obj: Any, parent_class: Type = None) -> Any: """Recursive function to parse, clean, and assign custom data types to retrieved Yahoo Fantasy Sports data. Args: json_obj (Any): JSON object for parsing (can be a dictionary, list, or primitive). parent_class (Type): Parent class type used to extract custom subclass type options for casting. Returns: Any: Recursively returns JSON objects until data is completely parsed, cleaned, and typed (where applicable). """ # extract subclasses from parent class for typing subclasses = {} if parent_class: subclasses = {stringcase.snakecase(cls.__name__): cls for cls in parent_class.__subclasses__()} # discard empty lists and dictionaries and include when json value = 0 if json_obj == 0 or json_obj: # handle lists if isinstance(json_obj, list): json_obj = [obj for obj in json_obj if (obj == 0 or obj)] if len(json_obj) == 1: return unpack_data(json_obj[0], parent_class) else: # flatten list of dicts if any objects in the list are dicts if any(isinstance(obj, dict) for obj in json_obj): return flatten_json_dict_list(json_obj, parent_class) return [unpack_data(obj, parent_class) for obj in json_obj if (obj == 0 or obj)] # handle dictionaries elif isinstance(json_obj, dict): # eliminate odd single-key Yahoo dicts with key = "0" and value = <next layer of desired data> if "0" in json_obj.keys() and "1" not in json_obj.keys(): if len(json_obj.keys()) == 1: return unpack_data(json_obj.get("0"), parent_class) else: if isinstance(json_obj.get("0"), dict): json_obj.update(json_obj.pop("0")) # eliminate data obj counts (except in player_position dicts, which have position counts in league settings) if "count" in json_obj.keys() and "position" in json_obj.keys(): # assign/cast data type where applicable # TODO: figure out how to do this without explicit object type keys return get_type( {k: unpack_data(v, parent_class) for k, v in json_obj.items()}, parent_class, subclasses ) else: # assign/cast data type where applicable # TODO: figure out how to do this without explicit object type keys json_obj = get_type( {k: unpack_data(v, parent_class) for k, v in json_obj.items() if k != "count"}, parent_class, subclasses ) # flatten dicts with keys "0", "1",..., "n" to a list of objects if "0" in json_obj.keys() and "1" in json_obj.keys(): json_obj = flatten_to_list(json_obj) # TODO: figure out how to do this without breaking the above unpacking using explicit type keys # else: # # flatten dicts with redundant keys to a list of objects # if len(json_obj.keys()) == 1 and len(json_obj.values()) == 1: # key = list(json_obj.keys())[0] # value = list(json_obj.values())[0] # json_obj = value return json_obj else: return convert_strings_to_numeric_equivalents(json_obj)
[docs]def convert_strings_to_numeric_equivalents(json_obj: Any) -> Union[int, float, Any]: """Convert JSON strings with integer or float numeric representations to their respective integer or float values. Args: json_obj (Any): JSON object (typically a dictionary or list, but can also be a primitive). Returns: int | float | Any: The numeric representation of any JSON strings that can be represented as integers or floats, else the original JSON object. """ if isinstance(json_obj, str): if len(json_obj) > 1 and str.startswith(json_obj, "0"): return json_obj else: if str.isdigit(json_obj): return int(json_obj) elif str.isdigit(re.sub("[-]", "", re.sub("[.]", "", json_obj, count=1), count=1)): return float(json_obj) else: return json_obj else: return json_obj
[docs]def get_type(json_obj_dict: Dict[str, Any], parent_class: Type, subclasses: Dict[str, Type]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Cast JSON object to custom subclass type extracted from parent class. Args: json_obj_dict (dict of str: Any): JSON dictionary with strings of data type as keys and JSON objects as values. parent_class (Type): Parent class from which to derive subclasses for casting. subclasses (dict of str: Type): Dictionary of subclasses with strings that match the json dict keys as keys and classes for casting as values. Returns: object: A Python object (representing the original JSON object) that has been cast to the specified type. """ for k, v in json_obj_dict.items(): # check if key is in the provided subclasses' dict, that the object isn't already cast if k in subclasses.keys() and isinstance(v, dict) and not isinstance(v, subclasses.get(k)): json_obj_dict[k] = subclasses[k](unpack_data(v, parent_class)) return json_obj_dict
[docs]def flatten_json_dict_list(json_obj_dict_list: List[Dict[str, Any]], parent_class: Type) -> Any: """Recursive function to flatten JSON lists containing all disparate JSON dictionaries with no overlapping keys. Args: json_obj_dict_list (list[dict[str, Any]]): List of JSON dictionaries. parent_class (Type): Parent class type used to extract custom subclass type options. Returns: dict | list: Returns a dictionary if the list was flattened, else a cleaned list if no flattening was needed. """ # filter out empty lists and dicts but include when value = 0 json_obj_dict_list = [obj for obj in json_obj_dict_list if (obj == 0 or obj)] item_keys = [] ndx = 0 for item in json_obj_dict_list: if isinstance(item, list): flattened_item = flatten_json_dict_list(item, parent_class) json_obj_dict_list[ndx] = flattened_item item_keys.extend(list(flattened_item.keys())) else: item_keys.extend(list(item.keys())) ndx += 1 if len(item_keys) == len(set(item_keys)): agg_dict = {} for dict_item in json_obj_dict_list: agg_dict.update(dict_item) return unpack_data(agg_dict, parent_class) else: return [unpack_data(obj, parent_class) for obj in json_obj_dict_list if (obj == 0 or obj)]
[docs]def flatten_to_list(json_obj: Any) -> Any: """Function to flatten JSON dictionaries with unnecessary keys to a list of objects. Args: json_obj (Any): JSON object (typically a dictionary or list, but can also be a primitive). Returns: list: A list made from a flattened dictionary if json_obj was a dictionary, the original list if json_obj was a list, or the original value if json_obj was a primitive. """ if isinstance(json_obj, dict): out = [] for k, v in json_obj.items(): out.append(v) return out else: return json_obj
[docs]def flatten_to_objects(json_obj: Any) -> Any: """Function to flatten a JSON dictionary (or a JSON dictionary in a list) to a dictionary of cast objects. Args: json_obj (Any): JSON object (typically a dictionary or list, but can also be a primitive). Returns: dict | list | int | float | str | bool: JSON dictionary/list/primitive with contents cast to Python objects. """ if isinstance(json_obj, dict): return dict_to_list(json_obj) elif isinstance(json_obj, list): if isinstance(json_obj[0], dict): return dict_to_list(json_obj[0]) else: return json_obj
[docs]def dict_to_list(json_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Function to convert a JSON dictionary to a list. Args: json_dict (dict[str, Any]): JSON dictionary. Returns: list: A list derived from a JSON dictionary, or the original dictionary if it does not contain dictionaries as values. """ first_key = list(json_dict.keys())[0] if isinstance(json_dict.get(first_key), dict): first_val_key = list(json_dict.get(first_key).keys())[0] if first_key[:-1] == first_val_key: out = [] for k, v in json_dict.items(): out.append(v.get(first_val_key)) return out return json_dict
[docs]def reorganize_json_dict(json_dict: Dict[str, Any], obj_key: str, val_to_key: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Function to reorganize a JSON dictionary of dictionaries. The reorganized JSON dictionary is an ordered dictionary sorted by a specific attribute of the value dictionaries. Args: json_dict (dict of str: Any): JSON dictionary. obj_key (str): Key to access the dictionaries contained in json_dict. val_to_key (str): Key used to sort the dictionaries contained in json_dict. Returns: dict[str, Any]: An ordered dictionary of dictionaries sorted by val_to_key. """ out = {} for k, v in json_dict.items(): out[str(getattr(v.get(obj_key), val_to_key))] = v.get(obj_key) return OrderedDict( (str(k), out[str(k)]) for k in sorted( [int(k_v) if isinstance(k_v, int) else k_v for k_v in out.keys()]))
[docs]def reformat_json_list(json_obj: Any) -> Any: """Function to clean and reformat JSON lists to eliminate empty values and unnecessarily nested lists. Args: json_obj (Any): JSON object (typically a dictionary or list, but can also be a primitive) to be cleaned. Returns: Any: Reformatted JSON list derived from original JSON object. """ if isinstance(json_obj[0], list): if len(json_obj) > 1: return reformat_json_list( [reformat_json_list(item) if isinstance(item, list) else item for item in json_obj]) else: return reformat_json_list(json_obj[0]) else: # create chain map that filters out empty lists/dicts but leaves objects where value = 0 return ChainMap(*[value for value in json_obj if (value == 0 or value)])