Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""YFPY module for retrieving, saving, and loading all Yahoo Fantasy Sports data.

This module is designed to allow for easy data management, such that both retrieving and managing Yahoo Fantasy Sports
data can be done in one place without the need to manually run the queries and manage data saved to JSON files.

    The Data module can be used as follows::

        auth_directory = Path(__file__).parent / "auth"
        yahoo_query = YahooFantasySportsQuery(

        data_directory = Path(__file__).parent / "output"
        data = Data(data_dir)"file_name", yahoo_query.get_all_yahoo_fantasy_game_keys)

    logger (Logger): Module level logger for usage and debugging.

__author__ = "Wren J. R. (uberfastman)"
__email__ = ""

import inspect
import json
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Type, TypeVar, Union

from stringcase import snakecase

from yfpy.logger import get_logger
from yfpy.models import YahooFantasyObject
from yfpy.query import YahooFantasySportsQuery
from yfpy.utils import jsonify_data, jsonify_data_to_file, unpack_data

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Data(object): """YFPY Data object for Yahoo Fantasy Sports data retrieval, saving, and loading data as JSON. """ YFO = TypeVar("YFO", bound=YahooFantasyObject) def __init__(self, data_dir: Union[Path, str], save_data: bool = False, dev_offline: bool = False): """Instantiate data object to retrieve, save, and load Yahoo Fantasy Sports data. Args: data_dir (Path | str): Directory path where data will be saved/loaded. save_data (bool, optional): Boolean determining whether data is saved after retrieval from the Yahoo FF API. dev_offline (bool, optional): Boolean for offline development (requires a prior online run with save_data = True). """ self.data_dir: Path = data_dir if isinstance(data_dir, PosixPath) else Path(data_dir) self.save_data: bool = save_data self.dev_offline: bool = dev_offline
[docs] def update_data_dir(self, new_save_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """Modify the data storage directory if it needs to be updated. Args: new_save_dir (str | Path): Full path to new desired directory where data will be saved/loaded. Returns: None """ self.data_dir: Path = new_save_dir if isinstance(new_save_dir, PosixPath) else Path(new_save_dir)
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch(yf_query: Callable, params: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None) -> Union[str, YFO, List[YFO], Dict[str, YFO]]: """Run query to retrieve Yahoo Fantasy Sports data. Args: yf_query (Callable of YahooFantasySportsQuery): Chosen yfpy query method to run. params (dict of str: str, optional): Dictionary of parameters to be passed to chosen yfpy query function. Returns: object: Data retrieved by the yfpy query. """ if params: return yf_query(**params) else: return yf_query()
[docs] def save(self, file_name: str, yf_query: Callable, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, new_data_dir: Union[Path, str, None] = None) -> Union[str, YFO, List[YFO], Dict[str, YFO]]: """Retrieve and save Yahoo Fantasy Sports data locally. Args: file_name (str): Name of file to which data will be saved. yf_query (Callable of YahooFantasySportsQuery): Chosen yfpy query method to run. params (dict of str: str, optional): Dictionary of parameters to be passed to chosen yfpy query function. new_data_dir (str | Path, optional): Full path to new desired directory to which data will be saved. Returns: object: Data retrieved by the yfpy query. """ # change data save directory if new_data_dir: new_data_dir = new_data_dir if isinstance(new_data_dir, PosixPath) else Path(new_data_dir) logger.debug(f"Data directory changed from {self.data_dir} to {new_data_dir}.") self.update_data_dir(new_data_dir) # create full directory path if any directories in it do not already exist if not self.data_dir.exists(): self.data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # check if parent YahooFantasySportsQuery.all_output_as_json_str = True, unset it for data saving, then reset it all_output_as_json = False # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if yf_query.__self__.all_output_as_json_str: if inspect.ismethod(yf_query): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences for cls in inspect.getmro(yf_query.__self__.__class__): if yf_query.__name__ in cls.__dict__: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences yf_query.__self__.all_output_as_json_str = False all_output_as_json = True # run the actual yfpy query and retrieve the query results data = self.fetch(yf_query, params) # save the retrieved data locally saved_data_file_path = self.data_dir / f"{file_name}.json" with open(saved_data_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as data_file: if isinstance(data, list): # unflatten list of object values to list of single-key dictionaries with object values if top level of # data to be saved is a list unnested_data = [{snakecase(el.__class__.__name__): el} for el in data] else: unnested_data = data jsonify_data_to_file(unnested_data, data_file) logger.debug(f"Data saved locally to: {saved_data_file_path}") # reset parent YahooFantasySportsQuery all_output_as_json_str = True and re-run query for json string return if all_output_as_json: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences yf_query.__self__.all_output_as_json_str = True # data = self.get(yf_query, params) data = jsonify_data(data) return data
[docs] def load(self, file_name: str, data_type_class: Type[YahooFantasyObject] = None, new_data_dir: Union[Path, str, None] = None, all_output_as_json_str: bool = False) -> Union[str, YFO, List[YFO], Dict[str, YFO]]: """Load Yahoo Fantasy Sports data already stored locally. Note: This method will fail if the `save` method has not been called previously. Args: file_name (str): Name of file from which data will be loaded. data_type_class (Type[YahooFantasyObject], optional): YFPY class for data casting. new_data_dir (str | Path, optional): Full path to new desired directory from which data will be loaded. all_output_as_json_str (bool): Boolean indicating if the output has been requested as a raw JSON string. Returns: object: Data loaded from the selected JSON file. """ # change data load directory if new_data_dir: new_data_dir = new_data_dir if isinstance(new_data_dir, PosixPath) else Path(new_data_dir) self.update_data_dir(new_data_dir) # load selected data file saved_data_file_path = self.data_dir / f"{file_name}.json" if saved_data_file_path.exists(): with open(saved_data_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as data_file: unpacked = unpack_data(json.load(data_file), YahooFantasyObject) data = data_type_class(unpacked) if data_type_class else unpacked if isinstance(data, list): # flatten list of single-key dictionaries with object values to list of object values if top level # of loaded data is a list data_element_key = list(data[0].keys())[0] data = [el[data_element_key] for el in data] logger.debug(f"Data loaded locally from: {saved_data_file_path}") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {saved_data_file_path} does not exist. Cannot load data locally without " f"having previously saved data.") if all_output_as_json_str: return jsonify_data(data) else: return data
[docs] def retrieve(self, file_name: str, yf_query: Callable, params: Union[Dict[str, str], None] = None, data_type_class: Type[YahooFantasyObject] = None, new_data_dir: Union[Path, str, None] = None) -> Union[str, YFO, List[YFO], Dict[str, YFO]]: """Fetch data from the web or load it locally (combination of the save and load methods). Args: file_name (str): Name of file to/from which data will be saved/loaded. yf_query (Callable of YahooFantasySportsQuery): Chosen yfpy query method to run. params (dict of str: str, optional): Dictionary of parameters to be passed to chosen yfpy query function. data_type_class (Type[YahooFantasyObject], optional): YFPY class for data casting. new_data_dir (str | Path, optional): Full path to new desired directory to/from which data will be saved/loaded. Returns: object: Data retrieved by the yfpy query OR loaded from the selected JSON file. """ if self.dev_offline: return self.load(file_name, data_type_class, new_data_dir) else: if self.save_data: return, yf_query, params, new_data_dir) else: return self.fetch(yf_query, params)