Source code for integration.conftest

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Pytest integration test

__author__ = "Wren J. R. (uberfastman)"
__email__ = ""

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from quickstart import quickstart

import pytest

from yfpy import Data
from yfpy.query import YahooFantasySportsQuery

Example public Yahoo league URL: ""

Example vars using public Yahoo leagues still require auth through a personal Yahoo account: see

[docs]@pytest.fixture def auth_dir() -> Path: """Put private.json (see in yfpy/auth/ directory.""" return Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "auth"
[docs]@pytest.fixture def data_dir() -> Path: """Code tests will output data to this directory.""" return Path(__file__).parent / "test_output"
[docs]@pytest.fixture def yahoo_data(data_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> Data: """Instantiate yfpy Data object.""" return Data(data_dir)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def yahoo_query(auth_dir: Union[Path, str], league_id: str, game_code: str, game_id: int, browser_callback: bool) -> YahooFantasySportsQuery: """Instantiate yfpy YahooFantasySportsQuery object and override league key.""" yahoo_query = YahooFantasySportsQuery( auth_dir, league_id, game_code, game_id=game_id, offline=False, all_output_as_json_str=False, consumer_key=os.environ["YFPY_CONSUMER_KEY"], consumer_secret=os.environ["YFPY_CONSUMER_SECRET"], browser_callback=browser_callback ) # Manually override league key for example code to work yahoo_query.league_key = f"{game_id}.l.{league_id}" return yahoo_query
[docs]@pytest.fixture def browser_callback() -> bool: """Turn on/off automatic opening of browser window for OAuth.""" browser_callback = True return browser_callback
[docs]@pytest.fixture def season() -> int: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports season for testing.""" return quickstart.get_season()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def chosen_week() -> int: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports chosen week for testing.""" return quickstart.get_chosen_week()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def chosen_date() -> str: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports chosen date for testing.""" return quickstart.get_chosen_date()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def game_code() -> str: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports game code for testing.""" return quickstart.get_game_code()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def game_id() -> int: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports game ID for testing.""" return quickstart.get_game_id()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def game_key() -> str: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports game key for testing.""" return quickstart.get_game_key()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def league_id() -> str: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports league ID for testing.""" return quickstart.get_league_id()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def team_id() -> int: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports team ID for testing.""" return quickstart.get_team_id()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def team_name() -> str: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports team name for testing.""" return quickstart.get_team_name()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def player_id() -> int: """Create and set Yahoo Fantasy Sports player ID for testing.""" return quickstart.get_player_id()
[docs]@pytest.fixture def player_key(game_id, player_id) -> str: """Create and set Yahoo Fantasy Sports player key for testing.""" player_key = f"{game_id}.p.{player_id}" return player_key
[docs]@pytest.fixture def league_player_limit() -> int: """Set Yahoo Fantasy Sports league player retrieval limit for testing.""" return quickstart.get_league_player_limit()